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What's Wonder-Gun W501?

W501-S, NW501-S

Wonder-Gun is a new type of air gun that uses compressed air for blow off, suction, and to transfer materials. Wonder-Gun adopts the special jet system, which is a way of bringing out the full power of the compressed air. There are no worries that materials might get clogged inside the Wonder-Gun as it doesn't have any interior restrictions.

Wonder-Gun W501 series are compact; Min ID is φ5mm(S type) and Min ID is φ8mm(L type). They are useful for transferring, cooling, exhaust as well for blow off or suction.

In addition to the mounting model, we have YW501-SG/LG (with a comfortable handgrip equipped; for suction or blow-off only), W501-HSG (high vacuum), and W501-L28 (only for blow-off).

How to Use

An illustration of w501

For Blow-off

The air goes into the gun from side B together with the compressed air, and a strong air flow is blasted in spirals from the holes in the nozzle to side A.

For Suction

Please change the direction of Wonder-Gun.
The air goes into the gun from side B together with the compressed air, and a large amount of air flow is sucked in spirals from the holes in the nozzle to side A. In this operation, Wonder-Gun can be used as a cleaner.

※You can not change the direction of suction nozzle as it is fixed.

Examples of Use


Wonder-Gun makes use of both compressed air and air from outside which is several times as effective as the compressed air.
This structure makes Wonder-Gun blow powerfully.


Wonder-Gun sucks various kinds of things through the suction opening.
By attaching a dust bag, it can be used as a cleaner.
NW501 types and YW501 types are convenient.


By attaching hoses on both side, Wonder-Gun can be used for transferring process.
NW501 types are convenient.

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